Saturday, March 3, 2012


So I have been asked a few times about my coupon binder so here is all the info on how I do my coupons, what I bought etc.

This Binder I paid about $12 for at a local staples, The reason I liked this one is it has the binder rings, a wallet area, and an accordion style pocket divider.  :)
I also bought 30 Pages of baseball card holders at the Dollar Store 3 packs of 10 for $1.00ea.  ($3.00)
Then I bought Tab dividers. But I bought the tab dividers that have a pocket on them, for Cardboard/ over-sized coupons., Again at the dollar store I spent $4.00 on those.
I sort my coupons in the following categories, but you will find whats best for you.
These are my main ones:
Paper Products
And then they all have sub Categories 
(Food Sub Categories of  all the types ie: Dairy, Grains, Meats etc.)

I always Keep a calculator, and I find that i use the bar-code reader on my smartphone a lot.

This is my system:
  1. Make grocery list
  2. I use Flyerland to look at all the flyers in my area.
  3. I go through flyers finding things on my list that are on sale and that I have a coupon for.
  4. I pull out those coupons that match to that flyer and paperclip them to my list for that store.

  1. I normally go to 3 or 4 different grocery stores to get everything on my list, and I wont normally do my grocery shopping with my kids or hubby, lol  they get impatient with me  haha.
  2. I always ask the cashier before and if she/he would like coupons sorted and laid out to match the products  or if she/he would like them in a pile at the end.  lol
  3. I ALWAYS warn the people who come into line behind me tat I have a lot of coupons and it can be time consuming. 
  4. try very hard to stifle giggles as you watch the cash register go from $300 half that!  lol  :)
  5. Thais it, that's what I do!